The African Filter Shrimp- Fan shrimp

The African Filter Shrimp or by its other common name fan shrimp is a rare shrimp in the hobby but it is also one of the most sought after shrimps, it is desired shrimp probably due to its unique appearance and its specialized feeding behavior. These shrimps use their specialized "fans" to capture micro-organisms and other floating food items from the water. The African Filter Shrimp can be found in multiple colors variants, Grey, black and white, they became white after they have shed their skin. The fan shrimp or the vampire shrimp filters floating food items from the water. They also can be feed with Microworms, infusoria, baby brine shrimp, cyclops and other tiny frozen/live foods. According to some reports the fan shrimp observed feeding on dead fish. Shrimp wafers can complete their diet. The African Filter Shrimp should be kept in community fish tank with small, peaceful fish or in a shrimp tank, throughout the day, they usually seek refuge under stones and among plants so a well planted tanks is essential. Sufficient current is essential for this shrimp otherwise it will have a hard time to filters floating food items from the water. It’s a very good idea to use a current pump or small wave box to keep the water in constant circulation.

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