Tropical Fish Diseases - Choosing The Right Fishes

Being able to choose the right tropical fish aquarium for your home is one of the most important steps you can take to prevent disease of tropical fish.

There are so many types of tropical fish that you can find any that fit your personality and lifestyle. But there are vital tips you need to be aware of if you want to keep them healthy and happy.


One of the first things you should know about tropical fish at the pet is their temperament. There are three types of fish:

Social: these fish will get along with most other types, they include Danios, Tetras, guppies, Swordtails, Mollies, and Corydoras

Semi-social: these fish can be kept with other fish that are the same size. They include Barbs, Angelfish, and Gourami

Aggressive: These fish should always be kept isolated from other fish because, as suggested category they can be very aggressive. Here are some examples of male Bettas, Oscars, and Jewelfish

Color / Health:

This may seem common sense if you think it is not even worth mentioning, but it is often forgotten Tip: When you choose your tropical fish make sure they are dense and well-defined color.

A fish with sharp colors and no marks that it is healthy. If your fish is not healthy when you buy, it will be more susceptible to the diseases of tropical fish when you enter in your aquarium.

Different environments:

Like us, different fish have different needs when it is a good environment for living You need to know what types of reservoirs, such as fish, the amount of space they need, as well as temperature of water that is required for each fish.

Some prefer the largest fish tanks, while others like small spaces, some fish as much space to swim around in, while others like to have rocks, plants and other elements so that 'they can hide, and then further as water warmer than others.
If you put a fish in an environment they do not, they will gradually become more stressed and this will lead to diseases of tropical fish.

Do not overcrowd:

Once you know the type of fish you want, and made sure they all agree, you want to be careful not to overcrowd the tank.

This is often a reason for neglecting the fish contracting diseases of tropical fish. You have the number of fish in the tank on a per gallon, once again, it depends on the preference of fish you buy (picky are not they?).
Overcrowding leads to stress and as we all know, too much stress is not good for health, in people and fish.

If you are sure what are the preferences or temperament of the fish you want to buy, always ask advice from the facility. If you take these steps when choosing your fish, make sure they remain disease-free tropical fish, and stay happy and healthy.

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