Setting Up an Aquarium - Adding Fishes to Your Aquarium

Fish faces many dangers once they leave the shelter on aquatic store, adding a new fish aquarium should be done with great care so as not to stress the fish too much, or even cause a worse fate. You owe it to the fish you buy, take great care of them, just as you would for any other animal that you encourage.
After setting up a new aquarium, and when you're satisfied with your water test results, one or two hardy fish can be introduced. These wastes produce enough to feed the bacteria and develop their number. When adding fish you should never end their right of the bag in the aquarium, the temperature in the bag will be different from the temperature of the water in your aquarium.
Fish should be acclimated slowly otherwise they could be shocked, leaving the subjects to the disease. Instead of emptying the bag into the aquarium, place the unopened bag in your aquarium water for about 15 minutes to equalize the temperature, then open the bag and add a small amount of water from the aquarium to the This, leave for 5 minutes, then repeat until the water temperature are equal before letting the fish swim slowly out of the bag.
Do not be tempted to add a more just fish stocks again, it is a crucial step. Support your test kits, you should monitor the ammonia and nitrite levels every few days while the bacteria multiply. It is not unusual for the level of nitrite increase at this stage, it should soon return. Over the next two weeks make your tests regularly. If you find unacceptable levels of nitrite content, you need to do a partial change of water, not too much mind, try about 10 per cent of all day until it falls.
When you are satisfied that levels remained stable, you can add another small batch of fish. Once again, remember to keep the ammonia and nitrite levels for a couple of weeks before adding another small batch of fish. Gradually build up to the recommended levels of storage for the dimensions of your aquarium, more than 8 to 10 weeks.
How many fish?
If you want to know how many fish in your aquarium tropical freshwater sleeps, just multiply your aquarium length by the width in inches and divide by 12 is the total amount of fish in inches that can support your aquarium .
If you want to use the metric your aquarium measured in inches, divide by 30, this will give you the amount of fish in centimeters.
24 x 12 x 12 inches aquarium, 24 x 12 = 288 divided by 12 = 24 inches of fish.
60 x 30 x 30 cm aquarium, 60 x 30 = 1800 divided by 30 = 60 cm fish.
New tank syndrome:
When setting up a new aquarium and / or filter, you need to monitor closely the situation in the first 4 to 6 weeks (as I explained above), especially after adding new stocks of fish. As previously reported, the bacteria have to build, and so far, a phenomenon known as new tank syndrome can occur and could cause problems.
During the start procedure is a characteristic rise and fall in concentrations of ammonia and nitrite, with levels may become toxic and cause fish to become unhealthy. This is because at this stage of fish waste and uneaten food accumulation in the aquarium and are not broken down by nitrification bacteria, ie the nitrogen cycle.
Does the water tests every two or three days.
Do not overeat once a day is more than sufficient, and that the smallest amount.
Do not think you're cruel, far away.
More fish to eat more food means more waste, and your filters will not cope with the surge of fish waste. Be patient, it takes time to mature and an aquarium filters, and enjoy long-term with fewer problems and be successful.
If you do encounter a problem with your water quality, to replace about 10 - 20 percent of it per day, or every two days so that you bring to toxic levels to normal, no Remember to treat the new water the way you did first. Never replace more than 50% of your water at any time (you'll just end to the water again and be back to square one).
It is better to make small changes in water more than a few days, rather than changing large volumes of water. When you make a change in water trying to get as much debris from the aquarium and gravel as possible, this task will be easier with a gravel own, and without clouding the water too.
New tank syndrome can have a range of effects on fish, some of which include breath on the surface, Gill rapid movement, rubbing against objects. They are also prone to diseases such as end rot, fungi and whitespot, May and even die.
What you need to keep in mind is that, if new syndrome tank, it is likely that all fish will be affected, if only one or two, it would probably be introduced disease. If you use common sense and try to understand the needs of fish, and the processes of nature, you'll be well on your way towards the establishment of an aquarium successfully.
Now you can sit and enjoy your creation. You've followed the steps that will lead to more enjoyment of your hobby, rather than having to worry about what the earth has gone wrong!

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