Keeping Your Tropical Fish From Getting Sick

Did you know that your tropical fish can get sick just like you can? They do not share the same illnesses that we have, of course but when your fish gets sick he feels just as bad as you do when your sick.

What Makes Aquarium Fish Sick

While a lot of factors can make your fish fall ill, most veterinarians attribute health problems to stress! Stress has a way of making the immune system less effective whether it be in humans or fish. When your fish are stressed, they can not fight of infections as well.

How Tropical Fish Can Get Stressed

Your aquarium fish can get stressed out pretty easy. Any change in their tank environment and especially putting them in a new tank can really stress them out! That's why there are so many procedures in preparing a fish tank, adding something new or fish moving to a new location. You also must keep the tank clean water with frequent water changes. Taking care of your fish tank and properly will reduce stress and keep your fish healthy.

Signs That Your Fish Is Sick

One key sign is that your fish may seem a bit listless and not his usual self. You might also notice him breathing funny, or fungus or patches on the scales or fins.

Making Your Aquarium Healthy Again

Now that we know the cause of most fish illnesses - that is, stress, we can work to reduce it as much as we can. That means feeding the fish appropriate food, maintaining a clean aquarium, quarantining new fish, and reducing abrupt movements around the tank. You can also try to figure out what your fish stressed out by watching their behavior when you introduce new things into the tank. Perhaps that new plant is not good for them? Or maybe a new piece of fish or decor just tips the balance too much.

If you can provide a habitat that is closest to the fish's natural environment this will be the least stressful for them. If you can make your aquarium an optimum home for your fish, they will reward you with vibrant colors and many years of enjoyment.

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