Sunshine Peacock
Friday, October 01, 2010
The Aulonocara baenschi or by its common name Sunshine Peacock is one of the most beautiful and sought after Aulonocara in the hobby. The name peacock describe this species verwell, the Aulonocara family known to be (especially males) very colorful. Baenschi males have a strong yellowish-orange color with iridescent blue around their jaw. Unfortunately females are colorless. The Aulonocara baenschi should be kept without any other Aulonocara. Cross breeds are very common. Decorate the tank with rocks, caves and bitter plant such as Anubias, Cryptocorynes Saggitaria and Echinodorus as hiding places. As substrate it will appreciate fine gravel or fine sand. The Aulonocara baenschi like most of the Malawi cichlids Mouth-brooder.The female will hold and protect a batch of 5-30 fry in her mouth for 21-28 days. The easy way to see if the female is brooding is looking on her enlarged mouth.After the female releases her fry to the open water they can be feed with fry food or with newly hatch brine shrimp.
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